Hangshuo Bearing has Formulated Multiple National and Industry Standards

Recently, the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau of Jinan City announced the award project for standardization funding in 2022, including the national standard for “Rolling Bearing Wind Turbine Generator Gearbox Bearings” and the industry standard for “Rolling Bearing Automotive Retarder Bearings” of Hangshuo Bearing.

The national standard for “Rolling Bearing Wind Turbine Gearbox Bearings” drafted by Hangshuo Bearing stipulates the code method, structural type, external dimensions, technical requirements, testing methods, inspection rules, labeling, rust prevention and packaging, transportation and storage of the main transmission speed increase gearbox bearings supporting wind turbines. This standard is applicable to the production inspection, user selection, and acceptance of the main transmission speed increase gearbox bearings supporting wind turbines.

The industry standard for “Rolling Bearings for Automotive Retarders” drafted under the leadership of Hangshuo bearing stipulates the code method, structural type, external dimensions, technical requirements, testing methods, inspection rules, markings, rust prevention and packaging, transportation and storage of bearings for automotive retarders. This standard is applicable to the production, inspection, and acceptance of bearings for automotive hydraulic retarders.

Standards determine competitiveness. As a member unit of the National Rolling Bearing Standardization Technical Committee, in recent years, Hangshuo Bearing has actively participated in the formulation of national and industry standards. It has successively participated in the drafting of 8 national standards, including “Outline Dimensions of Rolling Bearing Thrust Self aligning Roller Bearings,” “Rolling Bearing Railway Freight Car Bearings,” and “Rolling Bearing Railway Passenger Car Bearings,” as well as 12 industry standards, including “Technical Conditions for Rolling Bearing Thrust Self aligning Roller Bearings, Comprehensively enhancing the core competitiveness of the enterprise.

Hangshuo Bearing fully leverages its research and development advantages, conducting research on key technologies for high-end products in various fields such as transmission bearings, wind power bearings, automotive bearings, precision machine tool bearings, cement bearings, metallurgical bearings, etc., accelerating the pace of product iteration research and development, accelerating the transfer and transformation of research and development achievements, actively expanding market share, and contributing to the overcoming of technical difficulties and industry development in China day and night.

Post time: Aug-24-2023